
Sunday, February 13, 2011

Leather Mask Making

Last week Amanda and I made some leather masks.  We didn't make them simply for kicks and giggles, but for a school assignment.  Amanda's teacher instructed the class to do one thing they have always wanted to do.  A life skill or goal.  It was meant to be something that would help push limits and assist in discovering new talents and loves.  Baking, the teacher said, was allowed, but discouraged, because cookies only go to benefit a waistline.

It took us a full weekend and plenty of patience, but we ended up with some lovely results.  First up is my mask.  It's a bit rough around the edges, I need to trim a few spots and apply another coat of paint, this time including the edges.  But it's fun and strange, which is what I wanted.  The eyes aren't the same size or shape, which adds to the oddness of my mask.

And then Amanda's mask.  Her mask is of course much more clean cut, detailed and well painted.  But what else would I expect from an art major?

I think we both really enjoyed the process, and since we still have the materials I'm sure we will do it again.